Hotels and residences are places where visitors come to relax and enjoy a peaceful stay. Therefore, it is necessary to make them feel at home, forgetting about any problems they might have for a few days.

One way to provide them with the quality they aspire to is by complementing the services offered by the hotel or residence with the best fabrics on the market.

A good fabric will transform and innovate the hotel's rooms, hallways, restaurant, or reception area, giving them a more sophisticated and suitable touch for what the customers are seeking. Additionally, it is essential for the fabrics to provide that extra comfort that guests greatly appreciate.

The choice of fabrics to use in each area of the establishment depends on the specific function they need to fulfill: cotton and silk textiles are highly recommended for bedding due to their breathable properties and the care and freshness they bring to the skin, while synthetic fabrics will be the best option for reception area sofas since they are more exposed and prone to frequent staining. It's crucial for all furniture to always be impeccable, so a good textile that facilitates quick cleaning will be the perfect choice.

Fabricantes y proveedores de productos textiles para hoteles

Most manufacturers and suppliers of hotel textiles in Córdoba are not well acquainted with the properties of each type of fabric, which poses a serious problem for the hotels or residences where they are used.

At Supratex somos expertos en el equipamiento textil de colectividades. Tenemos más de 25 años de experiencia como fabricantes y proveedores del sector textil, algo que confirman nuestros productos. Buscamos siempre la mejor calidad en cada tejido y confeccionamos nuestros diseños con la mayor eficacia y seguridad posible. Controlamos el proceso productivo de cada artículo, asegurándonos así de que cumplen nuestros mínimos de calidad.

Therefore, the quality-to-price ratio of our textile products for hotels is unbeatable.

Plaid Liso
Plain Plaid
Protector Colchón
Mattress Protector
Protector Colchón Rizo PVC
PVC Terry Mattress Protector
Relleno Nórdico Básico Microfibra
Siliconized Hollow Fiber Duvet Insert
Relleno nórdico Básico Plumón
Basic Down Duvet Filling
Relleno Nórdico Fibra Color
Color Fiber Duvet Filling
Relleno Nórdico Microfibra Duo
Duo Microfiber Duvet Filling
Sábana 300 Hilos
Sheet 300 Threads
Sábana color
Colored Sheet
Sábana Heavy
Heavy Sheet
Sábana Jucar
Jucar Sheet
Sábana Lisa
Plain Sheet